Page 65 - Caietele Confucius nr.5
P. 65

                                        Institutul Confucius de la   Biblioteca Județeană
                                                                                                 Liceul de Arte
                                       Universitatea „Lucian Blaga”   „Ovid Densusianu”        „Sigismund Toduță”
                                             din Sibiu                Hunedoara-Deva
                    Chinese teenagers are interested in now.I keep talking to students that there are
             no shortcuts to language learning,the only way is to practice more.
                   Cai Fei is a very famous tenor singer in Ningbo and one of the best vocal music
             teachers in Ningbo Foreign Affairs School.“Romanian students are all talented,they
             have great sense of art.”Cai Fei said,“they just need to spend more time in practicing
             technique.”He teaches students how to use breath in singing,and he also picked up
             Chinese songs for every student to learn.
                    Time flies,in 20 days we are back to China,but I believe days in Romania are
             unforgettable for my whole life.I am looking forward to see these students continue
             there studies in China next year.

             Caietele Confucius,  Nr. 5/2020                                                               63
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