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                                Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” Sibiu

                                           Institutul Confucius Sibiu

                                         IULIA ELENA CÎNDEA

                               Chinese Calligraphy as Therapeutic Practice:

                          An In-Depth Exploration of its Multifaceted Benefits

               Chinese Calligraphy Handwriting (CCH), an art form traditionally regarded as one of the six fine arts
               in  Chinese  history,  has  recently  garnered  significant  attention  from  researchers.  This  article
               endeavors  to  present  a  concise  historical  overview  of  CCH,  shedding  light  on  its  escalating

               popularity. Additionally, the article aims to elucidate the noteworthy cognitive advantages associated
               with Chinese calligraphy handwriting. The primary objective is to delineate the therapeutic benefits
               of CCH, positioning it as a potential adjunctive therapy for various illnesses, as well as a modality for
               promoting relaxation and mitigating stress.

               Keywords: Chinese calligraphy, therapeutic benefits, stress, relaxing techniques, mindfulness

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