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consistent  CCH  practice  and  individual
                      According to Hue (2009), a proficient
                                                                 personality traits. These studies encompassed
               calligrapher and academic, the engagement in
                                                                 two  distinct  groups:  young  participants  and
               calligraphy  necessitates  continuous
                                                                 specialist practitioners.
               mindfulness throughout various stages of the
                                                                        The  first  study,  involving  young
               writing process. From smoothing the rice paper
                                                                 subjects aged 12 to 25, categorized participants
               to drizzling water on the ink stone, grinding the
                                                                 based  on  their  calligraphy  proficiency.  Nine
               ink stick, and loosening and holding the brush,
                                                                 personality  characteristics  exhibited
               each  step  demands  a  heightened  awareness.
                                                                 substantial  variations  between  the  two  CCH
               Furthermore,  calligraphy  practitioners  are
                                                                 proficiency groups. Kao H et al reported that
               guided  through  breathing  exercises,
                                                                 individuals with higher calligraphy proficiency
               facilitating  deliberate  and  unhurried
                                                                 demonstrated enhanced personality qualities,
               brushstrokes during the writing process.
                                                                 including  intelligence,  emotional  maturity,
                      Hue (2009:68) contends that Chinese
                                                                 sobriety,  conscientiousness,  shyness,
               calligraphy  serves  as  a  mental  exercise  that
                                                                 practicality,  self-sufficiency,  discipline,  and
               cultivates  tranquility  by  emphasizing
               "presentism" directing the writer's thoughts to
                                                                        In the second study, volunteers from the
               the "here and now". Echoing sentiments shared
                                                                 Beijing  Calligraphy  Association  aged  35  to
               by  numerous  scholars,  he  acknowledges  the
                                                                 over 60 were randomly selected and grouped
               spiritual  dimensions  inherent  in  CCH,
                                                                 based on the duration of their CCH practice.
               portraying  calligraphy  as  a  spiritual  practice
                                                                 Significant differences were observed between
               that nurtures the development and expression
                                                                 Group  1,  those  with  the  least  experience  in
               of an individual's inner self.
                                                                 CCH  practice,  and  the  other  three  groups
                      Engaging  with  brush,  ink,  and  paper
                                                                 across  11  parameters.  More  experienced
               during  calligraphy,  as  described  by  Hue
                                                                 groups  exhibited  traits  such  as  emotional
               (2009:68),  enables  a  heightened  sense  of  qi
                                                                 stability,  sobriety,  conscientiousness,
               energy,  fostering  a  harmonious  relationship
                                                                 trustworthiness,  astuteness,  experimentation,
               between  one's  inner  self,  the  essence  of  the
                                                                 self-sufficiency,  controlled-ness,  relaxation,
               heart and mind, and the surrounding world. In
                                                                 and  high  learning  capacity.  Conversely,
               essence, Chinese calligraphy not only serves as
                                                                 individuals  in  Group  1  displayed  tendencies
               a tangible art form but also becomes a conduit
                                                                 toward  impulsiveness,  conventionality,  and
               for  mindfulness,  promoting  self-awareness,
               spiritual growth, and an intimate connection
                                                                        Concluding the two studies, Kao H et al
               with the present moment.
                                                                 advocated  that  CCH  training  contributes  to
                      CCH and Personality
                                                                 shaping the personality traits of practitioners,
                      In addition to the previously discussed
                                                                 with extended practice correlating to positive
               benefits,  recent  studies  conducted  by  Henry
                                                                 changes in personality. These findings affirm
               Kao, Min Xu, and Tin Tin Kao (2021) have
                                                                 the  expectation  that  the  cognitive,  physical,
               illuminated a significant connection between
                                                                 emotional, and bio-emotional changes induced

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