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Biblioteca Județeană Clasa CONFUCIUS
WULBS „Ovid Densusianu” @ Liceul de Arte "Sigismund
Universitatea “Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu Hunedoara-Deva Toduță" Deva
strengthened the construction of bilingual teaching courses, and intensified efforts to attract foreign
students, enhanced the atmosphere of internationalization on campus.
Zhejiang Fashion Institute of Technology launched a Sino-foreign College with Singapore Raffles
education group in September, 2003. During the past 10 years, the Institute has accumulated rich
experience on promoting teaching reform and innovation and introducing new management methods
through high quality education resources; radiating the increase of the education and management via
Sino-Foreign running project; and increasing the level of communication and coordination with
foreign partners. In 2010, the Institute launched a joint project with Sugino Garkuen, Japan for
fashion design education, with the self-development requirement, and one more joint project has
launched with Daegue Technical University, South Korea, for costume and image design education in
2012. Currently more than 500 students are studying as pail of the Sino-Foreign running project on
campus at the Institute.
4. Internationalization of education in China has provided teachers with opportunities of further
professional and teaching abilities5 promotion and the international perspective broadening.
In recent years, Zhejiang Fashion Institute of Technology has developed comprehensive cooperation
and exchange partnerships with universities and college specializing in fashion and textile in
developed countries, such as UK, Italy, France, etc. in order to maintain momentum and the pace of
industrial development including more open channels. The Institute has increased its experience of
the way these foreign universities, colleges and industries in the field of fashion and textile for the
above countries operate and particularly in the way of: staff team construction; curriculum; talent
cultivation; and social services, etc. We have laid a solid foundation for the further development of
international education collaboration: more than 140 staff has been sent to study and train abroad, 23
foreign teachers have been introduced since 2009, and have already enhanced the base of staff
internationalization greatly.
Șanse și provocări la internaționalizarea învățământului superior în țările
în curs de dezvoltare
— Exemplu: Colegiul Tehnologic de Modă din Zhejiang, China
împreună cu globalizarea economică, concurența internațională este din ce în ce mai intensă, în
același timp, având în vedere că resursa umană este important în era economiei cunoașterii; multe țări
se gândesc la reforma educației. Ca membru al țărilor în curs de dezvoltare, China nu face excepție.
Catetele Confucius