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Biblioteca Județeană           Clasa CONFUCIUS
                WULBS                                             „Ovid Densusianu”         @   Liceul de Arte "Sigismund
                Universitatea “Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu            Hunedoara-Deva                Toduță" Deva

                only to enhance international exchanges and cooperation? What on earth does the
               internationalization of higher education require for the reform and innovation of higher education and
               institutions? etc. It is very important to guide the important and expensive international exchange and

               cooperation by answering these questions.
               II. Definitions
               There are many different definitions, terms and approaches to internationalization present in
               literature and higher education practice: Internationalization is a key feature of the UK HE agenda.

               Students face unprecedented choice and the expectation of a global learning experience, wherever
               their place of study. Now extending far beyond attracting overseas students and delivering UK
               programmes abroad, internationalization represents the preparation of all UK HE graduates to live in,
               and contribute responsibly to, a globally connected society (HEA); The standard and widely cited

               definition of the internationalization of higher education is that it is the process of integrating an
               intemational/intercultural dimension into the teaching, research and service functions of the
               institution (Knight, 1994, Knight & de Wit, 1997) ; The internationalization of higher education
               institutions is the process of integrating the institution and its key stakeholders --‘its students, faculty,

               and staff - into a globalizing world (Gabriel Hawawini, 2011).
               III. Chances
               Followings are the chances with the practice of internationalization of higher education in China:
               1.  China has increased great support on higher education, endeavored to build first-class universities,

               such as the establishment of985,211 universities, and State investments in ordinary universities and
               colleges have been greatly increased. Some overseas famous universities, such as the University of
              Nottingham, the University of Liverpool, New York Universities, have been opened their campuses
               in China.

               Both local and the State governments have invested much in Zhejiang Fashion Institute of
               Technology (ZFIT) as well. State Advanced Laboratory of Modem Textile and Sino-UK Fashion &
               Textile Design and Research Centre have been built in its campus; many research subjects with State
               and international level have been undertaken in ZFIT, etc.

               As one of the first comprehensive reform pilot areas in China in the field of international education
               cooperation and exchange, Ningbo is at the forefront of new and exciting opportunities and
               challenges. As a committed participant in this project, Zhejiang Fashion Institute of Technology is
               prioritizing its main goal for future development through extensive international cooperation, and

               particularly introducing high quality foreign educational resources with innovative education
               characteristics focusing on fashion and textiles, and expanding development space.
               2.  Chinese Government has significantly increased investment in innovative projects of science and
               technology in order to shorten the gap with the world in the field of frontier science. The numbers of

               research subj ects in various levels and support from government have been increased.
               3.  The internationalization of education force higher institutions to adjust their curriculums and
               talents cultivation modes in line with international standards. China has strongly advocated its
               universities to foster talents for double degrees jointly with famous overseas universities,

                                                    Catetele Confucius
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