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Biblioteca Județeană          Clasa CONFUCIUS
                WULBS                                             „Ovid Densusianu”             Liceul de Arte "Sigismund
                                                                                                Toduță” Deva
                Universitatea “Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu            Hunedoara-Deva

                        Institutul Tehnologic de Modă,

                                   Zhejiang, China

                                Profesor Yuan Yong

                         Director al Biroului International

                 Chances & Challenges to the Internationalization

               of Higher Education in Developing Country (Part,l)

                I.  Preface
                         y^long with economic globalization, international competition is increasingly intense,
                             at the same time, in view of human resource play an importance rule in the era of
                          M knowledge economy; many countries are mustering to education reform.

               Liberalization and market-orientation may be considered as a major tone of reform. As a member of
               developing countries, China is no exception. It is noteworthy that the education is considered not only
               as behind national competitive force, but also itself has become a battlefield of international
               competition. The most obvious issue is that trade in services is required into the scope of

               implementation, and standardize Member States must open its service market as the World Trade
               Organization (WTO) was established on January 1, 1995. Education is considered as a kind of
               service. China has joined the WTO in December 11,2001; it means that Chinese domestic market of
               education has to be open to all Member States.

               Internationalization of higher education is always as one of important contents which have been
               explored and promoted by Chinese academic circle, but education administrative departments have
              been very prudent on it, and there is no this kind of call or mention in the formal documents of guiding
               the reform and development of higher, until it is mentioned in chapter 48 in the Planning Outline of

               Education Development (2010—2020), "Strengthening international exchanges and cooperation.
               Insisting on reform and development are promoted by opening. The internationalization level of
               Chinese education shall be improved by multi-level and wide-ranging exchanges and cooperation.
               China's educational reform, development and China's international status, influence and

               competitiveness in education shall be promoted and enhanced through introducing advanced
               educational concepts and experiences internationally. The economic society should adapt to the
               opening requirements, to cultivate a large number of international talents with international mind,
               familiar with international rules, capable of participating in international affairs and international

               competition”. There is no doubt that this is a major breakthrough for Chinese Government on the
               education ideas and development strategy of higher education. But there are many questions cannot
               find answers in the Outline, such as, what is internationalization? Does internationalization means

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