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                                Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” Sibiu

                                           Institutul Confucius Sibiu

                                        ANDREEA DIETRICH

                                 Confucian Ethics: the Conceptual Tools

                      摘要                                        Abstract

                                                                       Confucius  is  considered  the  spiritual
                      孔子是中国历史上著名的思想家、                           father of the Chinese nation. His teachings enjoy
               大教育家。是他开创了私人讲学的风气,                               in  China  an  indisputable  recognition  and

               同时孔子也是当时盛会上最博学的人之                                veneration.  Referring  to  Confucian  thinking,
               一。谈到儒家思想,我们可以正确地谈论                               one can rightly speak of a central concept, which
                                                                accounts  for  its  values  and  at  the  same  time
                                                                subordinates all the other concepts with which it
               服从于它所运作的所有其他概念。 当然,
                                                                operates.  Of  course,  we  cannot  ignore  the
                                                                Dao道, a notion that is in fact common to both
               家和道家共同的概念,但只有后者才具有                               Confucianism and Daoism, but having a central

               核心作用,在明确表达的宇宙起源和宇宙                               role only in the latter, where, within a clearly

               论中,它扮演着宇宙起源的角色。 和同时                              expressed cosmogony and cosmology, it takes
               遵循的路径。 在孔子的《论语》中,                                the role of cosmogonic source and path to follow
               “道”似乎是一种生活方式,同时又让自己                              at  the  same  time.  Dao  seems  to  be,  in  the
                                                                Analects of Confucius, the way lived and which
                                                                leaves itself discovered at the same time: it is not
                                                                a measurable way, or in the terms of sociology
               种我们无法言说的理想的方式。 在某个特
                                                                contemporaries, but the way to an ideal about
               定的时刻,经过一些努力和一些费用,我                               which we cannot say at a given moment that,
               们已经达到了这一目标。                                      after some effort and some expense, we have

                      下一篇文章将重点讨论儒家观念,                           reached it.
               首先是“仁”,然后是我将在本书中重点讨                                     The  following  article  focuses  on  the

               论的概念“敬”。                                         Confucian  notions  starting  with  ren,
                                                                “humanity”, and leaving for later the concept on
                                                                which  I  will  focus  in  the  work,  rang,
                                                                Keywords:  Confucius,  humanity,  Dao,

                                                                Analects, philosophy.
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