Page 21 - Caietele_Confucius_11_2024
P. 21

field,  but  a  process,  growth  towards  ren-   dealing with the common people, behave as if
               humanity  in  and  through  ren-humanity.  The   you were officiating at an important ceremony.
               biological status of a human (ren) is no more    Do not do to others what you would not like

               than a fragment of the socio-cosmic reality in   done to yourself! (XII, 2)”. (Cheng 2000, 53-
               which the natural parent-child and child-parent   54)
               relationship  is  primarily  manifested,  which         The  “asceticism”  that  Anne  Cheng
               seeks to be exemplary and practically without    refers  to,  understood  as  self-renunciation,
               hiatus in the child's growth, respectively in the   allows us to bring the meaning of the rite(s)

               care of the elderly parent.                      closer to the series of notions that we consider
                                                                related:  surrender,  sacrifice  or  recoil  (ritual
                                                                recoil,  to  put  it  more  clearly,  even  if
                      Li: the Titual                            tautological). Its etymology allows them such

                      To illustrate “right living” in view of   an interpretation: from the vessel for sacrifices,
               the  ideal  re-presented  by  ren,  Confucius    it  comes  to  designate  the  ritual  of  sacrifice
               appeals  to  a  metaphor:  a  sacrificial  vessel,   itself.  On  the  other  hand,  in  Confucius,  the
               called li. We believe that looking at this term   ritual  attitude  settles  inside  man,  and  the

               first  of  all  as  a  metaphor,  we  will  better   beneficiary  of  the  ritual  becomes,  from  an
               understand that we are dealing with a state of   extra-mundane entity, the alter around us, the
               mind,  not  with  a  formal  gestural  suite.    other.  According  to  Anne  Cheng:  “In  his

               Confucius'  thinking,  the  quality  of  behaving   references to li, Confucius often alludes to the
               humanly/with humanity (ren) and inner living     religious origin of the word. Composed of the
               (li)  are  inseparable,  together  they  denote   radical that represents holy things, to which is
               “Confucius” conception of man (...)" (Cheng      added  the  schematized  representation  of  a
               2001, 54).                                       grain boil in a cup, it originally designates a

                      Anne  Cheng  also  says  that:  “For      vessel for sacrifices, and then, by extension, the
               Confucius, to be human means to be connected     ritual of sacrifice. But what interests Confucius
               with the other, a connection perceived as being   about this term and what he retains from it is

               of a ritual nature. To behave humanly means to   not the purely religious aspect of the sacrifice
               behave ritually (…). The formula, which has      to the divinity, but the ritual attitude of the one
               become  famous,  “Let  each  one  submit  and    who  takes  part  in  the  sacrifice.  First  and
               obey  himself,  so  as  to  revive  the  rites  by   foremost an internal attitude, permeated by the
               himself” indicates the need for an asceticism    importance  and  solemnity  of  the  act  in

               whose  purpose  is  to  discipline  the  tendency   progress,  which  only  translates  outward
               towards  egocentrism  and  ritually  internalize   through  a  rigorously  controlled  behavior.”
               the  humanity  of  relations  with  the  other.   (Cheng 2000, 54)

               Another  disciple,  who  also  wants  to  know          Li - ritual is, therefore - if we do not
               about the ren, receives the following answer:    force the interpretation too much, the inner and
               ,,Once out the door of the house, behave as if   outer  act  of  offering,  under  the  unconscious
               you  are  meeting  an  important  guest.  When   state of the vital relationship with the other, the

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