Page 94 - Caietele_Confucius_11_2024
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                              Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” Sibiu

                                        Institutul Confucius Sibiu

                                              WANG HAIYU

                    Research on Online and Offline Blended Teaching Mode Based
                Taking the Course of Cross Cultural Communication as an Example

               姓名:王海钰                                                          Wang Haiyu, female, 23 years old,
               性别:女                                                            a  second  year  graduate  student
               年龄:23岁                                                          majoring  in  Chinese  International
               北京语言大学汉语国际教育专                                                   Education at Beijing Language and
               业研究生二年级在读。研究方                                                   Culture  University.  Research
               向为汉语作为第二语言习得。                                                   focuses  on  the  acquisition  of

                                                                               Chinese as a second language.

                   提要  本  北 语 大学《    际》                             Abstract    Taking  the  course  of  Intercultural
               课程为例,旨在研 基于“雨课堂”平 的线上线                           Communication  of  Beijing  Language  and  Culture
                                                                University as an example. The paper's target is online
                 合式教学模式在课堂中的实 情况,通过分
                                                                and offline in the closed classic platform explore the
               析学生的课堂习题正     动情况,  这
                                                                teaching effect of this model by analyzing the correct
               一模式的教学 果,并采 访谈的形式获 学生
                                                                rate  of  students'  classroom  exercises  and  their
               的 实 馈。本  后经过整理和分析得 了该                            interactions, and obtain real feedback from students
               模式 备灵活性和 合性,应在当前形势 加                             through  interviews.  At  the  end  of  this  paper,  it  is

                进的结论。                                           concluded that this model is flexible and integrated,
                   关键词  雨课堂;线上线  合式;                            and should be promoted under the current situation.

                际                                                   Keywords   Rain Classroom; Online and offline
                                                                hybrid; Cross-cultural communication

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