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               Blended Teaching of Comprehensive Chinese Language for International Students, Teaching and Educating People
               (Second Ten Days), Issue 5.
                   Wang Chunxiu 2022: Research on the Evaluation of Online and Offline Blended Teaching in Universities
               Based on Matrix Method, Teacher Expo, Issue 5.
                   Wang Shuaiguo 2017 Rain Classroom: Smart Teaching Tools in the Context of Mobile Internet and Big Data,
               Modern Education Technology, Issue 5.
                    Xia Pengfei 2022: Data visualization analysis of implementation of blended online and offline teaching,
               Journal of Yangling Institute of Technology, Issue 3.
                   Yang Guang and Li Shangran 2022: International Chinese Classroom Full Element Teaching Reform Practice,
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                   Yang Zijuan and Wang Qiang 2019: Exploration of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Based on
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                   Zhang Jian, Niu Yanyi, Li Heng, and Chen Liming 2020: A Study on Learning Evaluation Mechanisms in
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                                                        Interview Outline
                   Interviewee: 4 Chinese students and 1 foreign student from Class 2 on intercultural communication
                   Interview purpose: To obtain real feedback from students on the blended online and offline teaching mode
                   Interview content:
                   1.What is your opinion on the blended online and offline teaching mode?
                   2.What advantages do you think blended learning has compared to offline and online teaching?
                   3. What problems have you encountered in blended learning online and offline?
                   4.Do you think blended online and offline teaching can meet your learning needs?
                   5. What do you think is the effect of blended online and offline teaching mode?

                                                          王 海 钰

                   提要 本  北 语 大学《    际》课程为例,旨在研 基于“雨课堂”平 的线上线  合式
               教学模式在课堂中的实 情况,通过分析学生的课堂习题正     动情况,  这一模式的教学
               果,并采 访谈的形式获 学生的 实 馈。本  后经过整理和分析得 了该模式 备灵活性和 合
               性,应在当前形势 加  进的结论。
                   关键词 雨课堂;线上线  合式;    际
                   Abstract  Taking the course of Intercultural Communication of Beijing Language and Culture University as
               an example. The paper's target is online and offline in the closed classic platform explore the teaching effect of this
               model by analyzing the correct rate of students' classroom exercises and their interactions, and obtain real feedback
               from students through interviews. At the end of this paper, it is concluded that this model is flexible and integrated,
               and should be promoted under the current situation.
                   Keywords  Rain Classroom; Online and offline hybrid; Cross-cultural communication

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