Page 96 - Caietele_Confucius_11_2024
P. 96

interacting  and  communicating  with  classmates  from  different  countries,  students  can  gain  a  firsthand
               understanding of the differences between different cultures, thereby improving their cross-cultural communication
               skills. During the epidemic, some Chinese and foreign students were unable to return to school, and online learning
               became their only way of classroom participation. Students enter the classroom through both online and offline
               means at the same time, using the same platform for learning and interactive communication. This teaching model
               not  only  meets  the  learning  needs  of  online  and  offline  students,  but  also  effectively  engages  in  classroom
               interaction, achieving true cross-cultural communication.

                        3.Implementation of blended online and offline teaching mode in the third tier
                   Before the course starts, the teacher first pushes preview tasks on the computer. Students can watch the
               courseware to learn about the content of the next class, and can also use exercises to test the preview effect. Under
               each slide, there is a "don't understand" option, and students can mark the content they haven't understood and
               anonymously provide feedback to the teacher. Teachers can adjust the teaching pace in a timely manner based on
               feedback and answering situations, and provide key explanations on relevant content in the classroom.
                   During the formal class, both online and offline students enter the Rain Classroom together. Offline students
               teach face-to-face with teachers in a fixed classroom, and online students participate in the course live broadcast
               through Tencent Meeting. The teacher will play videos related to cross-cultural communication in each class, and
               then ask Chinese and foreign students to express their opinions based on the video content. Online students can open
               their microphones to speak and interact with their classmates on site. In order to test students' understanding of the
               course content, teachers will release classroom exercises and set a submission deadline, with online and offline
               students answering simultaneously in Rain Classroom. After the submission deadline, Rain Classroom will display
               the completion rate and accuracy rate of the questions.
                   After the class ends, Rain Classroom will automatically generate course reports and course replays. Students
               can view exercise information and courseware through the course reports, and also watch course replays to review
               in a timely manner. In order to help students deepen their memory of the content in class, teachers will release post
               class exercises in Rain Classroom. There are two forms of exercises: multiple-choice and thinking questions, and
               students need to submit their answers before the deadline. The multiple-choice questions are objective questions
               that  can  test  students'  understanding  and  mastery  of  classroom  content.  Reflection  questions  are  subjective
               questions that can encourage students to actively express their ideas.
                   The  course  of  Cross  Cultural  Communication  adopts  a  formative  evaluation  approach  for  performance
               assessment. The final grade of a student consists of three parts: classroom performance, homework, and final thesis.
               The total score is 100 points, with classroom performance accounting for 40% of the total score, including 10%
               classroom attendance (rain class attendance) and 20% classroom participation (including personal speeches and
               rain class exercises); After class homework accounts for 30% of the total grade (homework one tells cross-cultural
               communication stories by 10%, homework two group cooperation cross-cultural communication case analysis by
               20%); The final thesis accounts for 30% of the total grade.

                     4.Learning effectiveness of blended online and offline teaching mode with four lines
                   Teachers will issue objective multiple-choice questions based on the content of each class to test students'
               mastery of knowledge. From the overall situation of the exercises, the average accuracy rate of the classroom
               exercises of 66 students in Cross Cultural Communication Class 2 is 92.75% . This data can prove that the students
               in Class 2 have a high level of cross-cultural knowledge mastery, and indirectly reflect that this teaching model has
               achieved the expected effect. The interaction among students in the classroom can reflect their level of classroom
              participation. The author found through observation and analysis that, except for the teacher's roll call, both online
              and offline students actively and enthusiastically speak in the classroom. Students also make full use of the bullet
              screen function to participate in classroom topic discussions by releasing bullet comments.
                   To obtain authentic feedback from students on the blended learning model, this article selects 4 Chinese
              students and 1 foreign student (Vietnam) from Class 2 of Cross Cultural Communication as the interview subjects.
              These 5 students are represented by A, B, C, D, and E. A and B participate in the course offline, while C, D, and E
              participate in the course online. The interview outline can be found in the appendix.
                   Question 1: What is your opinion on the blended online and offline teaching mode?
                   Five students all expressed that blended learning meets the needs of the epidemic era, and can combine the
              advantages of online and offline teaching, no longer limited to traditional classroom teaching. Student A believes
              that this teaching model can better achieve interaction because the internet makes communication between teachers
              and students more convenient. Student B mentioned that blended learning mode can motivate themselves to

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