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                Biblioteca Județeană „Ovid Densusianu” Hunedoara-Deva

                                                  DIANA TRIF

                                      Cărți care au schimbat istoria

                      摘要:                                              Abstract:

                      《伟大的书籍》为读者提供了一系                                  "Books That Changed History" provides
                                                                a  captivating  overview  of  some  of  the  most
                                                                pivotal and influential texts in history, ranging
                                                                from  the  Dead  Sea  Scrolls  to  Anne  Frank's
                                                                Diary,  and  including  classics  like  "I  Ching,"
                                                                "The Art of War," "The Divine Comedy," and
               之作。本文着重探讨了公元前1400年左右                             "Madame Bovary." This article focuses on the
               中国中北部地区汉字的早期发展,并提出                               origins of Chinese writing around 1400 BCE in
               可能的西方影响。文章特别提到了商朝时                               central  and  northern  China,  noting  potential
               期用于神谕启示的牛肩骨和龟甲上的最早                               Western  influences.  It  highlights  ancient

               汉字书写。《易经》(约公元前1050                               Chinese  writings  on  ox  scapulae  and  turtle
               年),最初作为占卜工具的重要文本,以                               shells  used  for  divine  revelations  during  the
               及《尚书》和《诗经》等关键文献,均在                               Shang  Dynasty.  "I  Ching"  or  "The  Book  of

               文章中有所讨论。此外,文章还强调了孙                               Changes"  (circa  1050  BCE),  initially  a
               子的《孙子兵法》,这是公元前五世纪的                               divination tool, and other key texts like "Shu
               重要军事论著,对历史上和现代的军事战                               Jing" (The Book of Documents) and "Shi Jing"
               略产生了持续的影响,拿破仑和毛泽东等                               (The  Book  of  Songs)  are  discussed.

               历史人物都曾研读此书。本文凸显了这些                               Additionally, "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu, a
               文本对全球文化和历史叙事形成的深远影                               seminal military treatise from the 5th century
                                                                BCE, is emphasized for its enduring influence
                                                                on  both  historical  and  modern  military
                      关键词: 伟⼤的书籍, 影响力文本, 历史
                                                                strategies,  with  notable  readers  including
               影响, 中国文学
                                                                Napoleon  and  Mao  Zedong.  The  article
                                                                underlines  the  significant  impact  these  texts
                                                                have  had  on  shaping  cultural  and  historical
                                                                narratives worldwide.
                                                                       Key words: Influential books, Historical
                                                                Impact, Chinese Literature

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