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Lao  Zi  or  the  Chosen  Man  (Junzi)  of  Con-        Bibliography:
               fucius,  is  mature  in  heavenly  and  human           Bauman,  Zygmunt  (2000)  –  Etica
               things. At the same time, he does not occupy     postmodernă, Amar-cord Publisher, Timișoara.

               the space with his brilliance, he does not inhibit   Translated  by  Doina  Lică,  after  Postmodern
               the  development  of  other  beings  by  the     Ethics, Blackwell Publishers, 1995.
               hypertrophy  of  his  personality  and  by  the         Bauman, Zygmunt, May, Tim (2008) –
               domination  for  which  he  would  actually  be   Gîndirea  sociologică.  Humanitas  Publisher,
               qualified.  He  is  the  exemplary  model  who,   Bucharest. Translated by Mihai C. Udma, after

               through  yielding  and  withdrawing  (rank),     Thinking sociologically, Blackwell Publishing,
               allows the development of others.                Oxford 2001.
                                                                       Bălan,  Luminița  (2006)  -  ,,Strategia

                                                                întăririi statului în viziunealui Xunzi”, in Vișan,
                                                                Florentina, Bălan, Lumința, Luca, Dinu (editor)
                                                                –  Studii  de  sinologie.  In  honor  of  the  50th
                                                                anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese
                                                                department at Bucharest University, published

                                                                by Bucharest University, 65-81.
                                                                       Cheng, Anne  (2001)  –  Istoria  gîndirii
                                                                chineze, Polirom, Iași. Translated by Florentina

                                                                Vișan  and  Viorel  Vișan,  after  Histoire  de  la
                                                                pensée chinoise, Éditions du Seuil, 1997.
                                                                       C o n f u c i u s   ( 1 9 9 5 ) ,   A n a l e c t e ,
                                                                Humanitas,  București.  Translated  from
                                                                traditional Chinese.

                                                                       Lao  Zi  (1993),  Cartea  despre  Dao  și
                                                                Putere.  Completată  cu  pasaje  ilustrative  din
                                                                Zhuang zi, Humanitas, Bucharest. Translated by

                                                                Dinu Luca.
                                                                       Lao  Zi  (1999),  Cartea  despre  Dao  și
                                                                virtuțile  sale,  Editura  Științifică,  Bucharest.
                                                                Translated by Șerban Toader.

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