Page 29 - Caietele_Confucius_11_2024
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              Colegiul Național ,,Alexandru Lahovari” – Râmnicu Vâlcea

                                      Prof. DANIEL TUDOSIU

                                       CULTURĂ ȘI TRADIȚIE CHINEZĂ

               摘要:本文研究了中国历代朝代对国家文                               Abstract:

               化与文明的深远影响。文章首先探讨了公                               This article examines the significant impact of
                                                                various  Chinese  dynasties  on  the  nation's
                                                                culture and civilization. Beginning with the Xia
               中国历史上最早可以验证的时期,继而讨                               Dynasty (2205-1766 BCE), which is among the
                                                                earliest  verifiable  periods,  followed  by  the
                                                                Shang Dynasty known for inscriptions on oracle
               演化的基本层面。主要特征包括与祖先崇                               bones,  it  explores  the  foundational  layers  of

               拜密切相关的深厚宗教情感,以及国王为                               Chinese  societal  evolution.  Notable  features
                                                                include  profound  religious  sentiments  tied  to
                                                                ancestor  worship  and  a  feudal  system  where
               章随后聚焦于文明巅峰的唐朝,这一时期                               land was distributed by the king in exchange for

               以宗教宽容和文化活力闻名,不仅促进了                               military support. The focus shifts to the Tang
                                                                Dynasty,  the  zenith  of  Chinese  civilization,
                                                                celebrated for its religious tolerance and cultural
               歌、绘画及具有标志性的唐三彩瓷艺的显                               vibrancy  that  enabled  the  flourishing  of
                                                                Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, and other doctrines,
                                                                alongside  notable  advancements  in  poetry,
               超越唐朝,但该朝代在印刷技术上取得了                               painting,  and  the  distinct  "three-color"

               突破性进展,极大地推动了文学的普及和                               porcelain style. The article also touches on the
                                                                Song Dynasty, which, despite not achieving the
                                                                poetic excellence of the Tang, made remarkable
               方面。本文彰显了这些朝代如何塑造了中                               strides in printing technology, enhancing access

               国的文化身份和艺术遗产。                                     to literature and advancing the arts, particularly
                                                                through monochrome landscape painting. This
                                                                article  illustrates  how  these  dynastic  periods
               朝,艺术,印刷技术。                                       have  influenced  the  Chinese  cultural  identity

                                                                and artistic legacy.

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