Page 17 - Caietele Confucius nr.4
P. 17
Biblioteca Județeană
„Ovid Densusianu”
2. Serial Celebration Activities for the Spring
At 5:00pm, 31 of the January, the 当地时间1月18日下午2:30,锡比乌卢
Confucius Institute of Lucian Blaga University 奇安·布拉卡锡比乌孔院组织在康斯坦察孔子课
held an activity to 堂举办春节联欢会。老
celebrate the Spring 师学生齐聚一堂,喜迎
Festival at the 中国春节的到来,现场
A l e x a n d r u 热闹非凡。当地时间1月
L a h o v a r i 31日下午17点,罗马尼
H i g h s c h o o l i n 亚锡比乌孔子学院沃尔
Va l c e a . M a n y 恰 教 学 点 在 当 地
important guests A L E X A N D R U
attended the gala, LAHOVARI高中隆重举
s u c h a s A n d r a 办“欢度佳节 喜迎新春 沃
Bica(the director of 见中国年”春节联欢会。
Valcea's educational department), Ionita 沃尔恰省教育厅厅长安德拉·贝卡(Andra
Isabella Elena (president of the Alexandru Bica、ALEXANDRU LAHOVARI高中校长珑妮
Lahovari Highschool) and Danir (vice 塔·伊莎贝拉·艾伦娜(Ionita Isabella Elena、副
president of the Alexandru Lahovari 校 长 丹 尼 尔 ( D a n i r ) 等 嘉 宾 出 席 晚 会 。
Highschool). Ms. Ionita delivered a speech and ALEXANDRU LAHOVARI学校校长伊莎贝拉女
sent the New Year greetings to the audiences. 士发表讲话,并送出新春祝福。来自沃尔恰
The teachers and students gathered together to 5所高中的汉语学员们与LAHOVARI学校教师
celebrate the Spring Festival and this activity 们齐聚一堂,百余人共同庆贺中国春节,并吸
was reported by many local medium. 引 了 当 地 电 视 台 报 道 。
3. Serial Celebration Activities for the Spring
At 1:00pm, 1 of the February, the 当地时间2月1日下午1点,锡比乌孔
Confucius Institute of Lucian Blaga University 子学院成功举办“金猪贺岁”春节联欢会。
held the activity to celebrate the Chinese New 锡比乌省总学监Marius Novac先生、锡比乌
Year. At least 20 important guests attended the 省外事处处长Doris Banciu女士、卢奇安·布
event, such as Mr. Marius Novac (the general 拉卡大学文学院院长Andrei Terian教授、孔
educational director of the Sibiu County), Ms. 子 学 院 外 方 院 长 司 马 睿 康 教 授 ( P r o f .
Doris Banciu( director of the foreign affairs in Constantin Oprean)、中方院长王冏女士以
Sibiu county), Prof. Andrei Terian(the director 及各教学中心负责人等二十多位嘉宾出席
of the faculty of letter and art), Prof. Constantin 本次联欢会,司马睿康教授Prof. Constantin
Oprean(the director of the Confucius Institute Oprean)、Marius Novac先生和Andrei
in Sibiu) and Wang Jiong(the co-director of the Terian教授分别为联欢会发表新春贺辞。活
Confucius Institute in Sibiu). Prof. Constantin 动现场座无虚席,近三百余名观众前来与
Oprean, Mr. Marius Novac and Prof. Andrei 孔院师生共庆佳节。4位中罗双语主持人均
Caietele Confucius, Nr. 4/2019