Page 20 - Caietele Confucius nr.4
P. 20

Biblioteca Județeană
                                                                  „Ovid Densusianu”

               Georgescu  (the  mayor  of  the  Mioveni),  Mr.   Georgescu先生、皮特什蒂副市长Laurențiu
               Laurențiu Zidaru (the vice mayor of Pitesti),    Zidaru先生、皮特什蒂大学校长Chirlesan先

               Mr.  Chirlesan  (the  president  of  the  Pitesiti   生 、 阿 尔 杰 什 省 博 物 馆 馆 长 C o r n e l
               University) and so on attended the gala. And     Popescu先生、阿尔杰什工商会主席George
               Mr.  Dan  Manu  delivered  the  speech  and      Caval先生、中罗友好协会主席Alexandra

               greetings to the audiences.                      Voican女士、中国驻罗马尼亚大使馆教育组

                                                                        阿尔杰什省省长Dan  Manu先生等多

                                                7.  Confucius cup

                      On  the  30th  of  the  March,  the              当地时间3月30日,罗马尼亚锡比乌
               Confucius Institute of Lucian Blaga University   孔子学院举办第十届“孔子杯”汉语比赛,

               held  the  10th  Confucius  Cup  Chinese         来自孔院及其下设孔子课堂及教学中心的
               competition. And the 13 students from all the    13名参赛选手参加本次比赛。
               teaching centers took part in the competition.          孔子学院外方院长司马睿康(Prof.
               Prof.  Constantin  Oprean  attended  the         Constantin  Oprean)出席比赛,中方院长王

               competition. Ms. Wang Jiong, (the co-director    冏、中国驻罗马尼亚大使馆二等秘书夏
               of the Confucius Institute), Mr. Xia Lei (the    磊、卢奇安·布拉卡大学中文系老师尤清雅
               secretary of the Chinese embassy in Romania),    担任评委。本次比赛分为大学生组和中学
               and Ms. Iulia (the Chinese language teacher)     生组,分别由主题演讲、知识问答、才艺

               were  the  judges.  The  competition  was        展示三个环节组成。
               composed of the speech, Q&A and talent show.

                              8.  Activity  to  celebrate  the  coming  of  spring

                      On  26th  of  March,  the  Confucius             当地时间3月26日,锡比乌孔院康斯坦

               Classroom in Constanta held the activity to c    察安塔那中学孔子课堂的全体师生欢聚一堂,
               embracing  the  coming  of  the  spring.  The    举办了一场迎接春天的“春分日”活动。活动由
               activity was composed of three parts: dancing,   “春之律动”、“春之味”和“春之声”三部分组
               singing and Chinese food tasting. It attracted a   成,在明媚的春光中,孔院师生载歌载舞,共

               lot of people to participate and everyone spent a   品中国美食,一起度过了一个温馨美好的下
               happy afternoon.                                 午。

                    Caietele Confucius, Nr. 4/2019
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