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Biblioteca Județeană           Clasa CONFUCIUS
                WULBS                                             „Ovid Densusianu”         @   Liceul de Arte "Sigismund
                Universitatea “Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu            Hunedoara-Deva                Toduță" Deva

               Bech, Henning. 1998, „Citysex: Representing Lust In Public.” Theory, Culture & Society Vol. 15
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               Craik, Jennifer. The Face of Fashion. Routledge, 1994.
               Fang, Tony & Faure, Guy Oliver. „Chinese Communication Characteristics: A Yin Yang
               Perspective.” International Journal of Intercultural Relations (2010)

               Faure, Guy Oliver & Fang Tony. „Changing Chinese Values: Keeping Up with Paradoxes.”
               International Business Review 17 (2008): 194-207.
               Featherstone, Mike. Consumer Culture and Postmodernism. Sage, 2007.
               Jaggar, Alison et al. A companion to Feminist Philosophy. Wiley-Blackwell, 2000.

               Liu, YanShun. Shenti de juexing. 10 Aprilie 2009
               Tao, DongFeng. Richang shenghuo shenmeihua yu xiaofeizhuyi pipan. 5 Dec. 2005

               Turner, Bryan S. „The Body in Western Society: Social Theory and Its perspective.” In Sarah
               Coakley (Eds), Religion and the Body. 15-42. Cambridge University Press, 1997.

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                                                                                   ” (Chris Shilling with
               Tao Dongfeng 2005)

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                                                    Caietele Confucius
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