Page 57 - Caietele_Confucius_11_2024
P. 57

               Adverbs in Chinese have always been an important object of study in Chinese language research. In
               the past studies, many scholars have richly examined "再" and "也", but not many in-depth studies
               have been conducted on the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic meanings of "再X也Y", so this paper
               chooses to examine the format in various aspects and give suggestions for teaching Chinese as a
               foreign language according to its grammatical features. However, not many in-depth studies have
               been conducted on the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic meanings of "再X也Y "format. Therefore,
               this paper chooses to study this format from various aspects, and gives suggestions for teaching
               Chinese as a foreign language according to its grammatical features. This chapter emphasizes the
               origin and significance of the topic, the current status of the study and the corpus.

               0.1 Origin and Significance of the Selected Topic
               The fundamental goal of teaching Chinese as a foreign language is to enable students to master the
               ability  to  use  the  language,  so  students  need  to  master  the  language  commonly  used  in  daily
               communication rather than the obscure and difficult to understand teaching language. The format of
               "再X也Y" is a frequently used sentence, which often appears in daily communication and dialogues,
               newspapers and magazines, and is also a sentence that the author has observed through teaching
               practice and corpus search that international students make more mistakes, which is a difficult point
               for international students to learn, and even if the teacher explains it in detail in the classroom, the
               students will make all kinds of mistakes in practice. Even if the teacher gives a detailed explanation in
               class, the students will make various kinds of bias errors when practicing. Therefore, it is necessary to
               analyze this format in detail to better apply it to teaching Chinese as a foreign language.

               In addition, there has not been a clear and comprehensive study on the format of "再X也Y", and the
               relevant theories only appear in the introduction of some grammatical monographs on sentence types.
               It is still controversial in the current academic research, with many scholars arguing whether it
               belongs to a single sentence, a compound sentence or a contracted sentence, so the format needs
               further analysis and research.

               0.2. Research Status
               0.2.1. Attribution Controversy
               Most grammatical works categorize the "then X also Y" format as a contraction. According to
               Xiangruo (1984), "再" and "也" are correlatives that echo back and forth, and this format is a
               contraction  of  a  compound  sentence;  Xing  Fuyi  (2001)  calls  this  format  a  marked  condensed
               contraction. In addition, Zhao Yuanren's Grammar of Spoken Chinese and Liu Yuehua's Practical
               Modern Chinese Grammar categorize this format as a contraction. Huang Boryong and Liao Xudong
               (2011) categorize the format as both a contraction and an assumed compound sentence in Modern

      Fixed format
               Lin Yuwen (1984) argues that this format is not a constriction of a compound sentence, but a special
               kind of paratactic compound sentence that already has a fixed format. Li Hualan (2007) takes "再X也
               Y" as a fixed format, which exists in single sentences, in constricted sentences, and also in compound
               sentences. According to Wusong (2011), depending on the complexity of the structure, "再X也Y"
               can appear in both single sentences and compound sentences.

               Based on the above studies, we can see that there is still a controversy in the academic community
               over this attribution issue. Due to the flexible use of the format of "再X也Y", the corpus is rich and the
               analysis is more complicated, and the different perspectives when examining it will lead to different
               final results.

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