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                               Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” Sibiu

                                          Institutul Confucius Sibiu

                                               SONG RUIZHU

                                 A Study on the Syntax Feature and Teaching
                                Suggestions of the '再X, 也Y' Sentence Pattern

               Song  Ruizhu,  23  years  old,  a                        宋蕊竹,23岁,北京语言大学国际
               second-year  graduate  student                           中文教育专业研二在读,目前于罗
               majoring in International Chinese                        马尼亚锡比乌Lucian  Blaga大学孔
               Education  at  Beijing  Language                         子学院任志愿者教师。
               and Culture University. Currently
               serving as a volunteer teacher at
               the Confucius Institute at „Lucian
               Blaga”  University  in  Sibiu,

                                                                Abstract:  The  format  of  “再X也Y”  is
                                                                commonly used in modern daily Chinese and is
                                                                also a key focus in teaching Chinese as a foreign
                                                                language.  However,  in  practical  teaching,
               摘  要                                             international  students  may  have  a  shallow
                 “再X也Y”格式是现代汉语日常使用的句                            understanding of this format or receive unclear
               式,也是对 汉语教学的一个教学重点。                               explanations from teachers, leading to frequent
                                                                usage  mistakes.  Therefore,  conducting  a
               然而在教学实 中, 学生可 对这一格
                                                                comprehensive examination of this format from
               式理 不  ,或者教师讲 得不清楚,
                                                                various  perspectives  and  applying  the
                学生往往  现使用 误, 此对该格                               conclusions to Chinese language teaching can

               式进行多  的  ,并 结论应用于汉                               provide some assistance. The first part of this
               语教学,可 给对 汉语教学提供一 帮                               article  introduces  the  research  significance,
                                                                previous research status, and data sources. The
               助。本  一 分介绍研  义、过往研
                                                                second  part,  from  a  syntactic  perspective,
                现状 语料来源, 二 分从句
                                                                further categorizes the “再X也Y” format into
                发, “再X也Y”格式细分为不同的类                              different types and explores the components that

               型,并 讨 够进 X的成分, 三 分                               can follow “X”. The third part summarizes the
               总结该句式的语用 征, 后一 分结合                               pragmatic  features  of  this  sentence  structure.
                                                                The final part combines the common mistakes
               教学实 中 学生 现的 误给汉语教学
                                                                made  by  international  students  in  teaching
               提 几点教学 议, 帮助 学生更好地
                                                                practice to propose several teaching suggestions
               习得该句式并正 运用。                                      for Chinese language teaching, aiming to help

               关键词:  再X也Y;句 ;教学                                 international  students  better  acquire  and
                                                                correctly utilize this sentence structure.
                                                                Keywords: 再 X, 也Y; Syntax; Teaching

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