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P. 60

1.2. ingredients that can go into X
               1.2.1. noun
               In the basic type classification above, nouns can enter this format to act as X. However, not all nouns
               are able to enter the format to be modified by adverbs.

               When a bare-boned noun appears in the "再 N 也 V" structure, the bare-boned noun can only be a noun
               that refers to a person or thing with descriptive semantic features, just like the "很+N" structure,
               which has been widely used recently. The words "很" and "再" modify distinctive features of the
               noun's referent, and in this case the noun can be modified by an adverb.

               In the "再 a + n 也 V" structure, the noun can denote a person, thing, time, or place; directional nouns
               cannot be used in this structure.

               1.2.2. verbs
      Action verbs
               Verbs of action and behavior such as "走、听、看、问、学、批评" can be included in X. For
                   我知道,再问也 有用了。(琼瑶《月满西楼》)

      verbs of mental activity
               Verbs  that  describe  mental  activities  such  as  "爱、恨、羡慕、讨厌"  can  also  be  used  in  this
               structure, e.g.:
                   只要不是 爱,那么对 子再爱也不 过分。——微博

      Wishful verbs
               Wishful verbs express objective possibilities and subjective wishes, such as "能、会、要、应该".
               Among these wishful verbs, only "愿意" is more commonly found alone in this structure and in its
               negative form, while the other wishful verbs are rarely used. The other verbs are rarely used.
                   有些事情 算你再不愿 也 发生。——微博

      Convergent verbs
               When X is a tendency verb, Y is usually a time-related word such as "不迟". In addition, the corpus
               search also revealed that among the convergent verbs, "to come, to go" is most frequently used in this
               structure, e.g.:
                    这么 ,老太太、太太且请回 ,等是时候再来也不迟。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》)
                    姑你把菜全弄得了,一块儿坐 谈谈,你要有事,回头再 也不迟。  (  张恨水《啼

               1.2.3. Adjectives
               Adjectives are divided into adjectives of nature and adjectives of state. Adjectives of nature are often
               found in "再X也Y", for example:
                   冬 再 也还等得来  。(刘醒龙《天行者》)
                   菜再 盛也要保  明吃相。(严歌苓《陆犯焉识》)
               State adjectives cannot be modified by adverbs of degree and cannot appear in this structure because
               they have the meaning of deepening in degree by themselves.
                   这 服再白也经不起你这样糟 。
                   *这 服再雪白也经不起你这样糟 。

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