Page 59 - Caietele_Confucius_11_2024
P. 59

two categories based on whether the verbs are the same or not.

               When the preceding and following verbs are the same, the latter verb must be the negative of this verb,
                   这些 再洗也洗不掉。(余秋雨《山居笔记》)
                   *这些 再洗也洗得掉。
                   我是坚决主张 日的,再 也 不住了。(王火《战争和人》)
                   *我是坚决主张 日的,再 也 得住了。
               In the example sentence, "洗" and "忍" are both verbs, and verbs in the Y position are in the infinitive

               In this category, the former verb is called V1 and the latter is called V2, and there is no absolute
               requirement for the affirmation and negation of V2 in this construction. For example:
                   张英 走了,再说这些也 有用了。(刘醒龙《天行者》)

               1.1.3. 再+adjective,也+adjective(再A也A)
               In this type, the adjectives before and after can be the same or different.

               The adjective before and after is the same adjective, for example:
                   单为一项工作奋斗,再 也 不死人。(余秋雨《家住龙华》)

               Different adjectives before and after, e.g:
                    件乐  发 的 个音响, 使再  也 常清 。(沈从文《雪晴》)

               1.1.4. 再 + verb, 也 + adjective (再 V 也 A)
               This type is relatively rare in the corpus, but it does exist in this usage, and usually the adjective after
               "也" carries a negative meaning, for example:
                   等托儿 有了人,我再 大学也不晚。 (冰心《冰心全集第六卷》)
                   患上了帕金孙 ,走路 地 ,那时候再申请退休也还不迟。(梁实秋《雅舍菁

               1.1.5. 再 + adjective + noun, 再 + verb (再 A + N 也 V)
               When examining the corpus we also found one more usage - "再" modifies a noun and it is a noun with
               certain features modified by an adjective, this type of sentence emphasizes more on the features of the
               adjective before the noun, for example:
                   我的同学则是骄 地对她说:“再 的狗也都怕我。” (余华《在细雨中呼喊》)
                   苦口婆心地说了这么多, 是再笨的人也应该明白其中的 思了。(张平《抉择》)

               1.1.6. 再 + noun, 也 + verb (再 N 也 V)
               There is also a part of "再" that directly adds a noun, and the nouns in this part are mostly descriptive
               semantic nouns referring to people. The emphasis of this format has been shifted from the person to
               the semantic features that the person has, so it can be modified by "再" to indicate a deepening of the
               degree, for example. For example:
                   再路 也架不住多走。——微博

                   关飞  算再英 ,也是 关进 狱里。(李文澄《史传》)

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