Page 63 - Caietele_Confucius_11_2024
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This  paper  has  some  shortcomings  and  open  to  question.  The  statistics  of  the  corpus  are  not
               comprehensive and cannot reflect the whole picture of the use of the structure "再X也Y", but can
               only give an overview of it. In addition, the generalization of the features of the sentence is based on
               the study of the corpus, which is subjective and needs to be further researched and deliberated. From
               this  point  of  view,  the  understanding  of  this  structure  is  not  perfect  and  objective,  and  a
               comprehensive conclusion needs to be explored and explored continuously in the future.
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               [10]       施  雯 2009b “再X也Y”格式考察及教学研究[D].北京语言大学硕士论文.
               [11]       史锡尧 1988 论副词“也”的基本语义[J].世界汉语教学第4期.
               [12]       芜   崧 2011b 试论无条件让转句“再……也……”[J].江汉大学学报(人文科学
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               摘   要 “再X也Y”格式是现代汉语日常使用的句式,也是对 汉语教学的一个教学重点。然
               而在教学实 中, 学生可 对这一格式理 不  ,或者教师讲 得不清楚, 学生往
               往  现使用 误, 此对该格式进行多  的  ,并 结论应用于汉语教学,可 给
               对 汉语教学提供一 帮助。本  一 分介绍研  义、过往研 现状 语料来源,
               二 分从句    发, “再X也Y”格式细分为不同的类型,并 讨 够进 X的成分,
                三 分总结该句式的语用 征, 后一 分结合教学实 中 学生 现的 误给汉语教
               学提 几点教学 议, 帮助 学生更好地习得该句式并正 运用。
               关键词 再X也Y;句 ;教学

               Abstract: The format of “再X也Y” is commonly used in modern daily Chinese and is also a key
               focus  in  teaching  Chinese  as  a  foreign  language.  However,  in  practical  teaching,  international
               students may have a shallow understanding of this format or receive unclear explanations from
               teachers, leading to frequent usage mistakes. Therefore, conducting a comprehensive examination of
               this format from various perspectives and applying the conclusions to Chinese language teaching can
               provide some assistance. The first part of this article introduces the research significance, previous
               research status, and data sources. The second part, from a syntactic perspective, further categorizes
               the “再X也Y” format into different types and explores the components that can follow “X”. The third
               part  summarizes  the  pragmatic  features  of  this  sentence  structure. The  final  part  combines  the
               common mistakes made by international students in teaching practice to propose several teaching
               suggestions for Chinese language teaching, aiming to help international students better acquire and
               correctly utilize this sentence structure.
               Keywords: 再 X, 也Y; Syntax; Teaching

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