Page 69 - Caietele_Confucius_11_2024
P. 69


                                Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” Sibiu

                                           Institutul Confucius Sibiu

                                                      LIU GE

                                             Analysis of Japanese Learners'
                                   Language and Sentence Errors Based on Corpus

               Liu  Ge,  female,  is  currently  pursuing  a            刘歌,女,就读于北京语言大学,应用
               Master's degree in Chinese International                 中文学院汉语国际教育专业在读硕士研
               Education  at  the  College  of  Applied
               Chinese  Studies,  Beijing  Language                     究生,目前于罗马尼亚锡比乌Lucian
               University. She is currently serving as a                Blaga大学孔子学院任志愿者教师。
               volunteer  teacher  at  the  Confucius
               Institute of „Lucian Blaga” University in
               Sibiu, Romania.

               摘要                                               Abstract: The dislocation construction, serving as a
                                                                special sentence structure, is frequently employed in
                兼语句作为特殊句式在书面语和口语中                               both written and spoken Chinese. However, it poses a
                                                                challenging aspect in Chinese language teaching, often
                                                                leading  to  various  degrees  of  errors  among  foreign
               学中的重难点,外国学习者在习得和使用                               learners during acquisition and usage. This paper takes
               兼语句的过程中往往容易出现各种不同程                               Japanese learners as a case study, utilizing the "HSK
               度的偏误。因此本文以日本学习者为例,                               Dynamic  Composition  Corpus"  and  the  "Global
                                                                Chinese  Interlanguage  Corpus"  as  research
               以“HSK动态作文语料库”和“全球汉语                              foundations. Throughout the study, emphasis is placed
               中介语语料库”为研究基础,在研究过程                               on  analyzing  the  types  and  characteristics  of
               中,注重分析汉语兼语句的种类和特点,                               dislocation constructions in Chinese, exploring from
                                                                the  perspective  of  second  language  cognitive
               从第二语言认知习得规律出发,对日本学                               acquisition rules. The research delves into the major
               习者在汉语兼语句习得和使用过程中出现                               errors encountered by Japanese learners in the process
               的主要问题进行偏误分析,概括出兼语句                               of  acquiring  and  using  dislocation  constructions  in
                                                                Chinese,  categorizing  common  error  types.
               常见的偏误类型,并进一步探求日本学习                               Furthermore, it seeks to identify the primary reasons
               者在习得兼语句的过程中发生偏误的主要                               for  errors  occurring  during  the  acquisition  of
               原因,在此基础上提出相应的教学建议,                               dislocation  constructions  by  Japanese  learners.
                                                                Building  on  this  analysis,  the  paper  proposes
                                                                corresponding teaching suggestions with the aim of
               本学习者兼语句的教学有所帮助。                                  aiding Japanese learners in their study of dislocation
               关键词: 兼语句;偏误分析;日本学习                               constructions  and  facilitating  teaching  practices

               者;中介语料库                                          tailored to them.
                                                                Key word: dislocation construction; error analysis;
                                                                Japanese learners; interlanguage corpus

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