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object construction with the character "使" (shǐ). Li   Language and Culture University's "BCC Corpus" as
               Dazhong  clarified  the  format  of  causative  double-  the  basis  for  researching  the  acquisition  of  double-
               object  constructions  as  "main  subject  +  使  (shǐ)  +   object  constructions  by  foreign  students.  While
               secondary  subject  +  secondary  predicate"  and   analyzing  error  types,  the  study  also  emphasized
               analyzed typical examples of errors made by foreign   understanding  the  reasons  behind  these  errors  and
               students in acquiring double-object constructions. He   proposed corrective strategies. Cui Zhuqing's (2020)
               explored  the  reasons  behind  errors  such  as  high-  "Analysis  of  Country-Specific  Errors  in  the
               frequency use of the character "使" (shǐ), misuse of   Acquisition  of  Double-Object  Constructions  by
               "使" (shǐ) instead of " " (jiào) or "让" (ràng), and   Korean and Japanese Students Based on Corpora — A
               reliance  on  the  interpretation  methods  of  Chinese   Study on HSK Dynamic Writing Corpus" approached
               dictionaries.                                    the  acquisition  of  double-object  constructions  by
               Di Changyun (1996) studied common errors made by   foreign students from a new perspective. The study
               Japanese  students  when  learning  double-object   compared and analyzed sentences with errors in the
               constructions in the book "How to Speak Correctly?   acquisition of double-object constructions by Korean
               An  Analysis  of  Common  Grammatical  Errors  in   and  Japanese  students  from  a  country-specific
               Japanese Students' Chinese Learning." He pointed out   standpoint. It paid attention to differences in common
               that "Japanese people are not accustomed to using   error types between Korean and Japanese students and
               double-object  constructions,  and  even  if  they  use   proposed specific country-specific teaching strategies,
               them occasionally, errors often occur in verb usage   offering valuable insights for teaching.
               and  negation."  Di  Changyun  provided  a  detailed   Currently, there is a lack of systematic monographs on
               analysis of common errors in verb usage and negation   the acquisition of double-object constructions in the
               in double-object constructions.                  field  of  Teaching  Chinese  as  a  Foreign  Language
               With the establishment and improvement of domestic   (TCFL). Existing research is mainly found in the form
               interlanguage  corpora,  more  researchers  have   of theses and articles published in journals, focusing
               gradually  focused  on  studying  Chinese  grammar   primarily  on  describing  errors  rather  than  in-depth
               issues and the acquisition of Chinese grammar items   analysis.  Studies  based  on  large-scale  authentic
               by foreign students based on interlanguage corpora.   corpora  are  particularly  scarce.  Therefore,  it  is
               Zhou  Wenhua  conducted  a  comprehensive        essential to collect real language data from classrooms
               investigation  of  the  acquisition  of  double-object   and  daily  life  on  a  large  corpus  basis,  conduct  a
               constructions by intermediate-level Chinese learners   comprehensive and systematic analysis of the usage of
               in  the  article  "Research  on  Foreign  Students'   double-object constructions by learners from specific
               Acquisition of Double-Object Constructions Based   countries  and  different  proficiency  levels.  This
               on  Corpora."  He  retrieved  double-object      approach will help generalize the characteristics and
               constructions  from  the  interlanguage  error   patterns of acquiring double-object constructions by
               information corpus at Nanjing Normal University and   learners  from  different  countries,  thus  providing
               classified  them  into  six  categories:  request,   effective assistance for the teaching of double-object
               accompany,  dispatch,  nurture,  accompany,  and   constructions  in  Teaching  Chinese  as  a  Foreign
              naming. The study found that the frequency of use of   Language (TCFL).
              double-object constructions by foreign students was
              highest  in  the  request  category,  followed  by  the   3.   Research Methods
              accompany  category,  dispatch  category,  possession   (1)   Literature Review Method
              category, nurture category, and naming category.  To provide a more solid theoretical foundation for the
              However, this study overlooked the differences in the   study  of  double-object  construction  errors  among
              acquisition of double-object constructions by learners   Japanese learners, I conducted a literature review. This
              from  different  countries  and  did  not  provide  a   involved purchasing books online, borrowing books
              comprehensive  classification  of  double-object   from  the  library  at  Beijing  Language  and  Culture
              construction syntactic structures, thus having certain   University,  and  searching  for  relevant  papers  and
              limitations.                                      journals  on  CNKI  (China  National  Knowledge
              Guo  Yanni's  (2019)  "Study  on  the  Acquisition  of   Infrastructure) related to double-object constructions.
              Double-Object  Constructions  by  International   By  summarizing  the  research  achievements  of
              Students  Based  on  BCC  Corpus"  used  Beijing   previous  scholars  in  the  field  of  double-object

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