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Ⅰ. Introduction the more official term and widely accepted by most
1. Background and Significance of the Study scholars. This designation also implies the existence of
As globalization continues to advance, an increasing the double-object construction as an independent
number of international students are choosing to syntactic structure, defining a specific range of
study in China, leading to the maturation of the field of structures that can be labeled as such. Based on
Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (TCFL). previous research findings, this paper identifies the
The double-object construction, as an important double-object construction structure as
syntactic structure in Modern Chinese, is frequently N1+V1+N2+V2, where N1 serves as the overarching
used in daily life. However, foreign learners often subject of the sentence, N2 acts as the double object,
make errors in this construction during the process of functioning as the object of V1 and the subject of V2,
learning Chinese. Scholars in the field have shown a and V1+N2+V2 constitutes the predicate of the entire
growing interest in the acquisition of double-object sentence.
constructions, and some significant achievements Regarding the classification criteria for double-object
with instructional implications have been made. constructions, scholars have different perspectives.
Nevertheless, existing research faces certain Song Yuzhu (1986) categorized double-object
limitations, such as predominantly conducting constructions based on the semantics of V1 into
generalized analyses for all international students causative, assistive, possession, psychological activity,
without sufficient consideration for country-specific and naming. Zhang Bin (2000) classified them into
variations. Additionally, studies on errors made by causative, emotional, address, possession, and transfer
learners when producing double-object constructions categories. Huang Borong and Liao Xudong (2017), in
are often limited to specific types, lacking "Modern Chinese," classified double-object
comprehensive coverage. constructions based on the meaning of the first verb
Against this backdrop, building upon the (V1). They mainly categorized them into four types:
achievements of previous research, this paper utilizes causative, affection, selection, and "有" (yǒu)
corpus data to examine the acquisition of double- structure. In addition to these categories, Fan Xiao
object constructions by Japanese learners. It aims to (1996) proposed another type called the accompanying
analyze the types of errors made and their underlying type.
causes. The ultimate goal is to provide insights into This paper will use the classification of double-object
the learning of double-object constructions by constructions by Huang Borong and Liao Xudong in
Japanese learners and contribute to the development "Modern Chinese" as the basis for categorizing errors
of Chinese grammar teaching materials tailored for in the double-object constructions used by Japanese
Japanese learners. learners in the "HSK Dynamic Writing Corpus" and
"Global Chinese Interlanguage Corpus."
2. Current Research Status
(1) Ontological Research on Double-Object (2) Acquisition Research on Double-Object
Constructions Constructions
The term "double-object construction" was first In the 1970s, second language acquisition gradually
proposed by Zhao Yuanren (1948) in "Introduction to developed into an independent discipline abroad. In
National Language," where he provided a definition 1984, the introduction of interlanguage theory by
for this structural term. In essence, the double-object Professor Lu Jianji marked the beginning of second
construction corresponds to two S+V structures language acquisition research in China. Since then,
combined, but the sentence still maintains a single second language acquisition research has received
subject. Subsequently, the term "double-object widespread attention from Chinese scholars, with a
construction" became widely adopted after Zhao growing focus on its guidance for teaching Chinese as a
Yuanren's proposal. second language.
Wang Li (1985) referred to this syntactic structure as One of the early systematic studies on grammatical
"transitive series" in "Modern Chinese Grammar." Lu errors made by foreigners learning Chinese from an
Shuxiang (1956) used the term "transitive predicate" error perspective was conducted by Li Dazhong. In his
in "Grammar Learning." Although various scholars work "Analysis of Grammatical Errors in Chinese
used different names for the double-object Learning by Foreigners" (1996), he specifically
construction, "double-object construction" became investigated errors in the use of the causative double-
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