Page 74 - Caietele_Confucius_11_2024
P. 74

very challenged.                                 Examples 1 and 2 both involve the misuse of double-
               Example  3:  Drawing  lessons  from  past  setbacks,   object constructions as '把' sentences, while Example 3
               turning setbacks into motivation, and thus becoming a   misuses the ' ' sentence pattern.
               strong individual in life, advancing one's own life.  Firstly,  the  structure  of  '把'  sentences  is  N1+把
               Correction:  Drawing  lessons  from  past  setbacks,   +N2+V1, comprising a single set of sentence elements
               turning setbacks into motivation, and thus becoming a   with a verb (V1) issued by the subject (N1). In contrast,
               strong individual in life, moving forward one's own   double-object  constructions  consist  of  two  sets  of
               life.                                            elements, with verbs (V1 and V2) issued by N1 and N2,
               All the above examples fail to convey the semantics of   respectively. Therefore, both Example 1 and Example
               'causing  someone  to  produce  a  certain  result'  and   2 should be corrected from '把' sentences to double-
               require  the  use  of  double-object  constructions.  It   object constructions. The structure of ' ' sentences is
               indicates that Japanese learners have not mastered the   N2+ +N1+V1, where V1 is dispositional, indicating
               structure of double-object constructions. Examples 1   that the action is imposed on the subject (N2) by the
               to 3 need to be rewritten following the basic structure   agent (N1). However, Example 3 expresses a causative
               of N1+V1+N2+V2.                                  result,  requiring  the  use  of  a  double-object
               (2)    Overuse of Double-Object Structure:
               Example 1:  木 46组合让秋元 制作的偶 组                     Ⅲ.  Reasons  for  Errors  in  Japanese  Learners'
               合。                                               Dislocation Sentences and Teaching Suggestions
               Correction:   木 46组合是秋元 制作的偶 组                   1.     Negative Transfer of L1 Knowledge
               合.                                               When  learning  a  new  language,  learners  tend  to
               Example 2: 我中 生的时候,那儿有一 中国人                      unconsciously  rely  on  their  native  language
               的老师,让两年教汉语。                                      knowledge.  Japanese  learners  of  Chinese  are  no
               Correction:  我中 生的时候,那儿有一 中国老                    exception.  In  the  Japanese  language  system,  the
               师,教了两年汉语.                                        grammatical structure is "subject + object + predicate,"
               Example  3:  上大学后用“金刚钻理论”让儿子训练                   while  Chinese  follows  the  structure  of  "subject  +
               创 精 。                                            predicate + object." Additionally, Japanese does not
               Correction:  上大学后用“金刚钻理论”训练儿子的                   emphasize  the  object  when  expressing  causative
               创 精 .                                            meaning. Due to these grammar differences, students
               In  general,  double-object  constructions  typically   tend to be influenced by their native language, resulting
               either depict N1 initiating a certain action towards N2   in  frequent  errors  such  as  the  misplacement  of
               or indicate N1 causing N2 to produce a certain result.   components and the absence of the N2 component in
               The above three examples do not require the use of   dislocation  sentences.  Teachers  should  be  keenly
               double-object constructions to convey the intended   aware  of  common  patterns  of  errors  and  provide
               meaning  correctly,  and  their  usage  falls  into  the   targeted explanations to students.
               category of overusing double-object constructions.
                                                                2.     Negative  Transfer  of  Target  Language
               (3)     Double-Object Structure Misused as Other   Knowledge
               Sentence Patterns:                               As  evident  from  the  section  on  structural  errors,
               Example  1:   前,有一个 生说:“ 烟把肺                     Japanese learners often struggle with deciding whether
               变成黑色的东 。”                                        to  use  dislocation  sentences.  There  is  a  notable
               Correction:   前,有一个 生说:“ 烟使肺                     overgeneralization, as seen in sentences like " 木
               变黑。”                                             46组合让秋元 制作的偶 组合" which should be
               Example 2: 人们为了把自己的心理满足而向                        corrected to " 木 46组合是秋元 制作的偶 组
                玩儿。                                             合."  To  address  this  issue,  teachers  can  effectively
               Correction:  人们为了使自己的心理满足而向                      compare  previously  learned  content  with  current
                玩儿。                                             lessons,  reinforcing  students'  understanding  of  the
               Example 3:  一是你不应该临 前做 烈运动,                      practical usage of acquired knowledge.
                为运动 人兴奋,我 议你做伸 运动。
               Correction:   一是你不应该临 前做剧烈运动,                    3.     Negative  Learning  and  Communication
                为运动使人兴奋,我 议你做伸 运动。                              Strategies

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