Page 75 - Caietele_Confucius_11_2024
P. 75

Influenced by their native language, Japanese learners   Secondly, in the analysis of error types, the paper did
               tend  to  consciously  reduce  unnecessary  sentence   not initially categorize the data based on dislocation
               components,  simplifying  complex  sentences     sentence  types  and  then  proceed  with  error
               according to Japanese habits. In situations where they   classification within each dislocation type. Instead, the
               are unable to construct correct dislocation sentences,   paper directly classified errors across all dislocation
               learners might resort to strategies like breaking down   sentences, resulting in less clarity in organization.
               sentences into simpler phrases, such as in "任务气  It is hoped that future studies will accumulate more
               我." While these strategies may aid communication,   knowledge  on  second  language  acquisition  theories
               relying on them consistently can negatively impact   and  Chinese  grammar. Additionally,  gathering  more
               the  learner's  overall  proficiency.  Teachers  should   current  and  authentic  language  data  from  Japanese
               recognize  and  encourage  students  to  express   international  students  on  campus  will  enhance  the
               themselves more extensively, correct misconceptions   research by addressing the aforementioned limitations.
               promptly,  and  instill  positive  learning  and
               communication strategies.

               4.     Insufficient Teacher Explanation
               Due to gaps in their own knowledge or inadequate
               teaching techniques, teachers may struggle to explain
               the basic structure of dislocation sentences to students
               effectively. When faced with student queries, teachers
               might  offer  insufficient  explanations  or  resort  to
               statements  like  "this  is  a  Chinese  speaking  habit."
               These  issues  can  hamper  the  effectiveness  of
               teaching. Teachers in Chinese as a Foreign Language
               (CFL)  need  not  only  in-depth  knowledge  but  also
               comprehensive  teaching  skills.  Therefore,  teachers   References
               should recognize the importance of precise and clear   [1]王力.中国现代语法.北京:商务印书馆,1943.
               language,  providing  concise  explanations  for   [2]吕叔湘.语法学习.上海:复旦大学出版社,2006.
               grammar points like dislocation sentences. Through   [3]宋玉柱.现代汉语语法十讲.天津:南开大学出版
               in-class exercises, teachers can assess students' grasp   社,1986.
               of the content and evaluate the effectiveness of their   [4]张斌,陈昌来.现代汉语句子.上海:华东师范大学出版
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               Based on the analysis of data selected from the "HSK   [6]范晓.汉语的句子类型.上海:书海出版社,1998.
               Dynamic  Essay  Corpus"  and  the  "Global  Chinese   [7]鲁健骥.中介语理论与外国人学习汉语的语音偏误分
               Learner Interlanguage Corpus," this paper provides a   析.语言教学与研究,1984(3).
               detailed classification of dislocation sentence errors   [8]李大忠.外国人学汉语语法偏误分析.北京:北京语言文
               among Japanese learners. Utilizing second language   化大学出版社,1996.
               acquisition theories, the paper explores the reasons   [9]周文华.基于语料库的外国学生兼语句习得研究.语言
               behind  these  errors  and  offers  suggestions  for   教学与研究,2009(3).
               teaching dislocation sentences. However, the paper   [10]狄昌运.怎样说得对?日本人汉语学习中常见语法错
               has its limitations:                             误辨析.北京:北京语言学院出版社,1996.
               Firstly, due to the pandemic, the author was unable to   [11]郭燕妮.基于BCC语料库的留学生兼语句习得研究.长
               collect  authentic  language  data  from  Japanese   江丛刊.2019(30).
              international students on campus. Instead, corpus data   [12]崔竹青.基于语料库的韩日国别化兼语句偏误分析.四
              was  utilized.  However,  the  data  from  the  chosen   川外国语大学.2020(05).
              corpora  are  relatively  old,  and  the  language
              proficiency  levels  of  the  learners  are  not  fully
              specified, making it challenging to conduct individual
              learner difference analyses.

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