Page 82 - Caietele_Confucius_11_2024
P. 82


                                 Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” Sibiu

                                           Institutul Confucius Sibiu

                                             GUAN  LANLAN

                                        Review of Research on Content-Based
                                   Instruction in International Chinese Education

                                                           关 兰 兰

                                         School of Sinology and Chinese Studies, Beijing Language and
                                         Culture University
                                         Major:International Chinese Language Education Second Year
                                         of Master's Degree


                                                                 This  paper  reviews  and  analyzes  articles
                                                                 related to Content-Based Instruction (CBI) in

                                                                 the field of International Chinese Education, as
               对中国知网发 的国际中 教 中 基于  的                             published on the CNKI platform. It evaluates
               教学 相关的论 进行 理分析,评述目前国际                             the  current  state  of  CBI  research  within

               中 教 中CBI的研 现状,发现当前研 中存                            international  Chinese  education,  identifying
               在研    较单一、研 科学性不足的问题,                             prevalent issues such as a lack of diversity in

               并提 一些 议。                                          research perspectives and insufficient scientific
               关键词 CBI;国际中 教 ;研 综述                               rigor.  The  paper  also  offers  several
                                                                 recommendations for future research.

                                                                 Keywords:  CBI;  International  Chinese
                                                                 Education; Research Review

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